Traveling During COVID-19

Traveling during COVID-19 pandemic
The novel corona virus has changed life as we know it. The last 3 months have felt like everything but normal. I’ve followed all the public health guidance since quarantine started but I’ve been traveling by air despite the pandemic. Since we know travel increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19, here are my quick tips to travel safe in the midst of COVID-19:
Wear A Mask! Most airlines are now requiring face coverings during flight. My most recent flight was on Southwest Airlines. Any passengers without masks were provided with one at the gate before they were allowed to board the plane.
Bring hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Even though the airport and airplane smells “clean” I take extra travel precautions by bringing my own. I started wiping down my plane seat after seeing how my Gemini sis Naomi Campbell travels. If you happen to be reading this while you’re on your way to the airport and you don’t have any you can find hand sanitizer and wipes at the airport kiosk at an upcharge.
If you’re extra paranoid like me I’d also recommend traveling with disposable gloves. Everyday we learn something new about the virus so it’s still unclear how long it may remain on surfaces. To be on the safe side I wear my gloves for the full duration of the flight. I also try my best not to touch anything! Naomi does this as well.
According to the CDC
Because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes, most viruses and other germs do not spread easily. Although the risk of infection on an airplane is low, try to avoid contact with sick passengers, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands, and wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
If you must check your luggage I’d recommend using one of your disinfectant wipes and drench the handle before you leave bag claim. Once you’re at home immediately remove your shoes at the door and then wash your hands. No exceptions! For me personally, taking a long, hot shower after coming from the airport just feels right. Monitor how you feel over the next few days and continue to build up your immune system.
flight 21 of 2020
When I booked my latest flight back to DC I noticed I just completed flight #21 in 2020. By the grace of God I’m healthy! Surprisingly Southwest Airlines has been a complete lifesaver. Their pricing and customer service alone makes them my top airline for flying during COVID-19. I’ve felt safer flying than going to the grocery store. None of my flights have carried more than 40 passengers which is extremely reassuring and comforting. I hope they don’t follow American Airlines and start booking flights at full capacity.
Currently advisors are also recommending to avoid all nonessential international travel and deferring all cruise ship travel world wide. Both the U.S. and Canada set in place month-long non-essential travel restrictions in March and renewed them in April and May. Even though the current end date is July 21st, the restrictions have the potential to be extended if COVID-19 cases in the U.S. continue to rise.
If you must travel during this pandemic please do it safely!