I took a weed shot and I liked it!
Health and wellness are my jam! If you follow my Instagram stories you see me share bits and pieces on CBD here and there. Surprisingly those stories get the most engagement and DM’s. Moving forward I plan to share more of the ways I personally incorporate CBD into my wellness routine in hopes to help someone along the way. Kicking things off with one of my favorite fresh green juice shots appropriately titled a weed shot.
South Block Juice in Union Market
Weed shot with CBD Oil
I get my weed shots from South Block in Union Market. The weed shot is simply a green juice blend with pineapple, parsley, wheatgrass, spirulina, and full spectrum CBD oil. You can try making this weed shot green juice at home. At least that’s what I do. My modified weed shot recipe:
1 bundle of organic celery
1 organic green apple
2 drops of CBD Oil or CBD powder
I don’t like to do a lot in the kitchen so this is a super simple recipe. I soak and wash the bundle of celery in apple cider vinegar. Rinse in cold water and cut off the leaves. I find them to be quite bitter. Then I start my cold press juicer. (Link to the juicer I use) I got it during my engagement back in 2018 and it still works perfectly. After juicing I have much more than a “shot” of juice. Usually around 16 oz which gets divided between me and my husband. Then I add whatever CBD oil I’m using at the moment. Right now I’m into Brown Girl Jane Wellness Drops and Tarot Elderberry Rose Tincture. Feel free to take advantage of my discount codes for $ off.
This blend will not get you buzzed. I feel mostly balanced and energized. Which is why I try to juice a few times a week for overall health and wellness. I don’t like to tell adults what to do but I highly recommend adding CBD oil to your fresh juice and see how your day improves.